Fitting the drive belt
I got the new belt from the kit and tried working out the best way to fit it. I'd read various suggestions from other people and tried these without success. In the end I fitted the belt to everything but left if off one of the idler pulleys. I then used two thumbs and a bit of grunting to slide the belt over the pulley. Some people suggest rocking the car in gear to get the belt over various pulleys. This sounds both difficult and dangerous to me and I think using a big socket to turn the bolt on the flywheel is much easier (and safer!)
Then all I had left to do was fit some of the other pipes and the
crossover tube. I found all of this straightforward and light relief
after some of the other stuff. At about this time I had to rig up
some extra light as it was about 5.30pm. Also because it was getting
late I decided to leave installing the MSD unit until then next day
as I wasn't going to need it due to the cold weather.