Belts and Pulleys
This stage went fairly well but I did get an additional spacer behind the pulleys, which meant I had to redo this stuff later on.
The only thing between the pulley mounting plate and the pulleys is the cone shaped spacer. The diagrams all take some figuring out, as does working out which bolt is which, but after a while it all gels in your mind and goes together OK despite our car having both power steering and air conditioning.
Or at least it would all have been easy if some fool hadn't already fitted the supercharger and air flow meter. As I'd swapped things around so that the experimental bits were done first I kept having to remove the supercharger and sit it on the engine block, or remove the air flow meter and get Mary to hold it. This slowed things down but wasn't a major headache.
I also found that a coolant hose fouled the pulleys just like the instructions said it might and I then sliced a finger open while shortening the hose. Some say you need to bleed on your car to form a lasting bond!